Dogwood blossoms lay against the green, almost a snowy layer,
The white blossom with green center telling the world here I am
Watch and wait I’ll be ripe after you play the poet game
Check the battery’s charge before placing them in the electric
Mower to cut the grass, left angle this time, part of the healthy
Lawn cutting rotation memorialized in the poet game
Meal prep, a kitchen dance, counter to stove, fridge to counter
Another bowl, utensil to stir, bring to the stove, add in thyme
Just in time to season the meal and eat before the poet game
Some call it the rain tax but it is real money, forced by the EPA
For cleaning up the Charles River, took a while to work through
The process, and now it’s here all part of the poet game
Vendor schedule not determined, they're trying to fit us in between, I
Understand, while the work is not critical, it would be good to know
Other than a last minute text, here I am, a verse for the poet game
You may recognize his voice, it is distinct, a folksy blues beat with lyrics
Easy to follow, guitar picking, flows along in the rhythm, didn’t
see him live but its like I had always known of the poet game
Is there hope that someday folks will realize how interconnected
we all are, or will the clouds of smoke from forest fires far away
Continue to muddle the recognition of this mess in the poet game
Connecting the dots can be a kids pastime, easy structured exercise,
With pencil or crayon, to gradually reveal something not apparent
Before them assuming the weather cooperates to play the poet game
Squirrels are problem solvers, they want food, bird feeders are
A prime source for their appetite, baffles will prevent them climbing
Up the feeder pole but not from jumping from a tree in the poet game
Connecting the dots can get challenging technically, do the plug ends
Enable a safe mating, are they protected from the elements, and those
Nefarious forces who want to mess with the poet game
Some folks fear talking in public, others sitting to write, yet most will
Have a cup of coffee and share the news with their neighbor or friend
Writing and talking can be a little more public in the poet game
Connecting buyers and sellers is the role of a market place, oddly
Some of the more secure markets are for illegal transactions
So what can we learn from that for the poet game
Pause, take a deep breath, it is who we are of the moment, and
Who we are with that matters, let’s recognize the gift at hand,
Forget the shiny elusive thing slipping away from the poet game
Credit for the inspiration goes to Greg Brown whose song "Poet Game" sent me down this train of thought -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4J4jdu5Pi00
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