Sunday, December 20, 2009

game piece

playing the
yin and yan
of home and self,
puts a game piece
into his pocket

What is a sherku?

Inspired by David Zinger's posting for Joyful Jubilant Learning blog this month, I found myself writing something very close to this in the comments.

Note: this is a new layout for sherku. I am deliberately deviating from the haiku-like origin of three lines and shifting to the more American 3-4 syllable phrase and running five lines to still reach 19 syllables overall. I'll acknowledge William Carlos Williams work as a key source for this change.

Friday, December 18, 2009

how 'bout that!

South Station
Hears his voice
“All half price papers
‘Cept for the Herald
How ‘bout that!”

What is a sherku?

This is a new format for sherku. I am exploring more of the common 3-4 syllable phrases that characterize much of American language following work done by William Carlos Williams. The nineteen syllable restriction remains but the lines will work out to be five or six instead of the original three.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


goodbye telegraph
track side pole
arms spread out
standing wireless

What is a sherku?

This is a new format for sherku. I am exploring more of the common 3-4 syllable phrases that characterize much of American language following work done by William Carlos Williams. The nineteen syllable restriction remains but the lines will work out to be five or six instead of the original three.

This was originally posted to Twitter tagged with #twitpoem #140poets

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Relationship Geek

There is a relationship geek named Phil
who lives on top of the hill
he’ll use his blue book
or tweet with a hook
for your need he will fulfill

A limerick for Phil Gerbyshak to celebrate our joint birthday. The full posting can be found here (link removed as it is no longer valid).

Bend and stretch to recycle

With apologies to your Romper Room memories, I rewrote a few lines to help remember to recyle while you walk.

Bend and stretch
reach for the can
while exercising
help your fellow man

One can at a time, you can come back from a three mile walk through your neighborhood with something like this:

Recycle exercise

Bend and stretch
reach for the can
while exercising
help your fellow man

You can take this challenge in two ways:

1 - Take a plastic bag along with you and remember these lines when you walk.

2 - As you walk, if you come up with better lines let us know via comment or email.