Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Time for the music


What is the one thing we usually never have enough of

And which we can't buy? Haven’t Got Time for the Pain 

Do you manage it, or do you let it control you? I have tried 

To be as efficient as I can. times they are a changing 

A little planning can go a long way to helping avoid 

Wasting energy, money, or time; time is on my side

I like to reward those who manage time well. My time is 

Important, and when others recognize that, let the good times roll

Think about it, lots of action words are associated with this

Concept: Make, take, buy, spend, waste; baby, one more time

It seems like time is a thing to be handled, bought, boxed

Stored, when it just keep ticking on its own, Time in a Bottle


It can be a real question, or a good ice breaker, to ask

someone, Does Anybody Really Know What Time it is?

I would propose that only when you are up and about

Does it exist, Time has come today

Memories, whether the penultimate, or even the last time

Are instances when we recognize Times like these

What is it that gives us pause, stops us to realize, and

recognize the present as a gift? Only Time Will Tell

Without that pause, a sense of something else, we go 

About living, doing, being, Time after time

If it is worthy, and created the pause, then the best thing 

to do is likely to Love me Two Times

Sherlock says: give a gift to yourself, think, plan, and then

tackle the day, the next minute, so that it feels like the first time

Source of 100 song titles with "Time" 

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

10,000 decisions


Moving is a choice, and these days, financially a privilege, 
Choosing a residence comes with lots of time and place changes

Home is the center of our daily life, where the heart rests
And recovers for tomorrow's set of time and place changes

These specific walls, doors, and windows frame our life 
Choosing to move will reframe our time and place changes

Our world view is centered here, and soon will be
Centered elsewhere, as our time and place changes

What we take for granted to support our daily activities 
Will be reconsidered as our time and place changes

The faucets, the windows, the neighbors will be new
In some ways, and yet not, as time and place changes


The clocks will change wall positions, the shade, and shadows
Will also, yet the sun will still rise when time and place changes

Trees will still drop their leaves, I won't need to pick them up, or 
worry about when to do so, as time and place changes 

Lots of work to pack, we have all this stuff, which is now 
being decided upon as our time and place changes 

Pack, recycle, discard, or sell, are a few of the options each
Object brings up for us to decide, our time and place changes

The sewing kit is packed away, no "stitch in time" until
We unbox in the new location after time and place changes

The core of what we need in our residence will remain
For the movers to transport when our time and place changes

So Sherlock, are you ready for thousands of decisions? Look for 
the happy day when you are settled, with time and place changes

And yes, there is research on this decision process as tiring 

 "Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and Wisdom to know the difference"