Katydids come out as darkness arrives, what time is it
Their da da da, back and forth, da da da, asks what time is it
The rain falls knowing nothing of the concern it causes
Because the runoff now requires payment, what time is it
A raindrop in Flint delivered as clean water costs more
Than a raindrop delivered in most other places, what time is it
The grasses rise, reach for the sun, bend with the breeze
Until they're trimmed or not, do they ask what time is it
Late May frost caught blue hydrangeas buds, most failed
To bloom, now in August, we get a few, and ask what time is it
Tree branches reach up, and over, along the trail, making a canopy in search of the sun, so we ask what time is it
There is a cycle to life, most things within it, and around us
A question we tend is miss is when, what time is it
There are best times of day for creative work and also
Respectfully, for required grunt work, what time is it
There are best times to start new patterns, new habits
New challenges, to succeed not fail, what time is it
There are best times to make big decisions, times to avoid
That dental visit, times to take a napaccino, what time is it
There are best times to start school for middle and high schoolers,
too bad 80% of districts don't do that, what time is it
Coming off the pandemic, with uncertainty, and tight budgets
Wouldn't it makes sense to adjust the start time, what time is it
Katydids, larks, and owls seem to know about cycles
They don't need technology to live, what time is it
Written in response while reading https://www.danpink.com/books/when/
Updated Labor Day weekend when I realized it was the sound of katydids, not tree frogs, that I was referring to. https://youtu.be/TjM9tZE_bDg