Sunday, March 30, 2008

walk, walk, recycle

Walk, walk, recycle
Did you pick up any?
Yes sir, yes ma’am
Two bags accompany
One full of cans
One full of bottles
The streets of Franklin
Are less full of disposables

with apologies to Mother Goose

My challenge to Franklin was posted on February 2, 2008

Thursday, March 27, 2008

sherku: your job

It is your job to train

those around you to be

effective and efficient

Another in a series of "found" sherku, this one from Tim Ferriss' book: Four Hour Work Week

Sunday, March 23, 2008

sherku: For Billy on his Birthday

Stepping from the title
to the first lines is like
stepping into a canoe

Another in a series of "found" poems. Billy Collins, in this case, may not have realized he was writing a sherku at the time.

Originally posted on Steve's 2 Cents

via Patti Digh who not only helped me create sherku but reminded me of Billy's birthday.

sherku: Where in Franklin #39

White columns. Hand rail.
Odd looking contraption.
Where in Franklin have I seen that?

What is a sherku?

Originally posted at Franklin Matters

Friday, March 21, 2008

Life Lines Contest

Life Lines Contest: Win a Hand-Engraved Piece of Jewelry

We each carry lines of poetry with us. Words that others have written float back to us and stay with us, indelibly. For National Poetry Month 2008, share the lines of poetry that are most vital to you, along with notes about the precise situation that summoned them to mind. All participants will be automatically entered to win a piece of jewelry by San Francisco designer Jeanine Payer. The winner will have the "life line" hand-engraved on a specially chosen piece. Entries can be emailed to until April 1, 2008.

On the web at:

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

sherku: faster

If you want to be faster
you need to be open
to opportunity

Another in a series of "found" sherku.
This one written by Vincent Poscente in his new book The Age of Speed.
The words and thought are Vince's. I re-arranged them slightly to fit 19 syllables.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

sherku: zeppelins

Zeppelins can not fly fast enough
Or soar high enough
For the Age of Speed

Another in a series of "found" sherku. This one written by Vincent Poscente in his new book The Age of Speed. He probably did not realize it was a sherku when he wrote it.

Monday, March 17, 2008

sherku: Mach-S

the speed at which stress can not
keep up is simply
self-propelled forward motion

inspired by a quote from Jef Mallett author of Frazz found in InformationWeekDaily
The words and thought are Jef's. I re-arranged them slightly to fit 19 syllables.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Vignette: Newman Ave

centipedal lights
move along
Newman Ave

as my shadow
grows, disap-
pears and

comes again
as often as
telephone polls

Resurrected from the archives via Allison who had fallen in love with it once upon a time, had "borrowed" it, and just returned it this week

written sometime between 1976 and 1982

Friday, March 14, 2008

sherku: school choice

Four candidates, fine qualities
All good choices, but which
One will be the best?

What is a sherku?

Originally posted at Franklin Matters

Thursday, March 13, 2008

sherku: rain cell

Sitting in the back parking lot
Cell phones banned from the hospital

It rains

What is a sherku?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

April is National Poetry Month

Click on the image to find out the various programs being organized by the Academy of American Poets for the month of April.

sherku: Attleboro House of Pizza

'Attleboro House' is how
They answered the phone today
To serve good pizza

What is a sherku?

Thursday, March 06, 2008

sherku: The Age of Speed

To see speed for the
positive force it can be
and end our opposition

Another in a series of "found" sherku. This one written by Vincent Poscente in his new book The Age of Speed. He probably did not realize it was a sherku when he wrote it.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

sherku: Seth Godin's #1

It is almost impossible
To over invest to
Become number one

Most of the words and the inspiration comes from Seth Godin's The Dip.
I'll take credit for tweaking it to become 19 syllables

Monday, March 03, 2008

sherku: Seth Godin's "The Dip"

Quit the wrong stuff
Stick with the right stuff
Have the guts to do one or the other

Seth Godin wrote this on page 4 of The Dip perhaps not realizing this is a sherku

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Goodbye - anonymous comments

I have gone back and forth on this issue of anonymity a number of times in my own mind and after reading here, I have decided to remove anonymous comments from the various blogs I control. This change is effective 3/1/08.

This is not turning away conversation.

This is ensuring that the conversation is based in honesty and real identity.

It also helps that Google has enabled additional accounts to be used to comment.

If you have any issues with anonymity, you can email me (as you won't be able to comment) after March 1. Email to shersteve at gmail dot com

sherku: Ho‘ohanohano

begin to think of
yourself as the loyal steward
of something much greater

What is sherku?

Inspired by Rosa Say's post at Managing with Aloha Coaching
Her words and spirit, I 'found' the 19 syllables

sherku: love affair

Books to read, books to share
March’s joyful learning
Is called a love affair

What is sherku?

Check out the Love Affair with Books at the Joyful Jubilant Learning blog