Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Content in context


One of my guiding lights, understanding the content in context

Is another way of saying getting the big picture is content in context

So sunshine on a country road, cornrows reaching for the blue sky

Handcrafted sign for a roadside stand fits content in context

Further along that rolling road, another handcrafted sign, this time for free 

Flying lessons, is not quite the same fit for content in context

It could be that the farmer, an excellent craftsman, also gets money

Flying tourists to enable living his life fully content, content in context

The craftsman in raising corn and tending to flying machines

Can be a valid for an ex-military pilot, living a dream, content in context

Staying on the surface, staying with first impressions, can leave out those

Sometimes wonderful sideroads, by roads, content in context


The first hour of the market is a quiet time for those challenged 

with sensory issues, respectfully to enable them to enjoy the content in context

The singer made it completely thru a song on the third try, had to switch battery, 

swap plugs, to get the best power for his content in context

Give me the beat folks, want to get lost in your rock & roll

Rhythm and rhyme and harmony, heck with the content in context

Markets naturally occur at a crossroads, they are easy to get to,

Enabling the exchange of goods or services, content in context

Puppy on a lease pulls a young girl, another girl trails along carefully 

munching a candy apple on a stick, fun content in context

Great to be a little one, young legs exploring every nook and 

cranny of the Town Common, it's their fun content in context

So Sherlock, your legs don't move like theirs these days, 

get used to it, learn to live with your content in context

credit initially to Tom Asacker who introduced me to the concept

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Answer is 42


Deep Thought took 7.5 million years to calculate the answer is 42
We said “I do” in 1982, and this year 2024, gets us to the anniversary is 42

Frustrating to see things develop, where the outcome 
should be good, and yet turns bad, don't folks know the answer is 42

Garden harvest has been good for my greens, cherry tomatoes, 
less so for the garlic, despite planting when the answer is 42

Voracious reader, turning pages among various book types, 
trying to escape from a world where the answer is 42

Weather varies in summer, not a surprise, much appreciated 
when the humidity is way down, closer to the answer is 42

Walking streak not as good as my reading streak, also need 
to work on the strength exercises, get back to where I was at 42


Choosing your partner, do you throw caution to the winds, or 
calculate the pros & cons, going when the answer is 42

The bent brown leaf scuttles across the roadway, scratching 
the surface, almost crablike, looking for the answer is 42

He looked for other college presidents to join in writing letters 
to students, sharing advice on whether the answer is 42

Translation matters when working with a derivation of the 
original, or working within the language, where the answer is 42

Household chores have long been divided to share the work, 
and specializations that come naturally, when the answer is 42

“Take the cotton of the mind’s doom-ridden chatter out of your 
ears, hear the booming voice of the heavens” the answer is 42

So Sherlock, listen to “the roar of fate, the ruckus the muse 
makes” when you finally realize the answer is not 42

Credit for the quote to Haleh Liza Gafori’s translation of Rumi in her book “Gold”

For DS

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

To Do


The higher the humidity goes, the less I want to do.

walking to the pool, too long today, not something to do

Are you one who glances at books sideways, 

looking for hidden words? Is that something for you to do?

Amazing, to see what it is that attracts one's attention, that is 

jumping to the front to command, this is what you need to do

The motor sputtered, refused to start, the vehicle is now

awaiting time, and schedule, for service to do

No one pays attention to what goes on, until it starts 

happening to them, then all else goes aside, something's urgent to do

Walking down the dark slightly sloping aisle, carefully

selecting a seat, settled in, ready to get away from things to do


Standing under a star filled sky, fireflies in the grassy field, 

rising, make their way to treetops, doing what they need to do

The choice is not “Do I fight? or do I give up?” The question to be 

making a real difference in life is, “What can I do?”

“Radical” doesn't always mean being out on the edge, primary meaning is

Being rooted, it should be what drives you to do what you do

When a word is used outside of its original meaning, it may be creative, 

or deviating, be aware of that, recognize what they do

When they recognize you but don't remember your name, 

recalling may be their problem, but is there something you can do 

What you fear is a great example of the power of imagination; 

accepting that concept, choose hope, see how much that can do

So Sherlock, when they hear it through the grapevine, something that is not 

happening, what is it that you really want them to do

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Send me on my way


Wooden ladder leans to the house, accessing short roof ledge, 
hawking Romeo to visit Juliet, send me on my way

All 3 cars backed in the driveway, no hurry to get home, 
time blocking ready to leave, send me on my way 

Strolling along the shady side, cooler by 10 to 20 degrees, 
tomahawking the temp, send me on my way

Text on the page just sits, spoken words fill the air we breathe, 
squawking the life we live, send me on my way

The tail of the letter q apparently evolved from the tail of a monkey, 
rollocking play with questions, send me on my way 

What is better, an answer, or a discussion leading to a better question?
sweet talking much more discussion, send me on my way


Doing anything the proper way is best, I go fishing for words, bushwhacking impatient dictionaries, send me on my way

Tiger lillies welcome drivers to Weikert, lining the curving roads, flocking along Buffalo Valley, send me on my way

Life’s issues play in a rainbow of color, the key is managing the gray, peacocking between spaces, send me on my way

My hands were wet when I was at the source of the Nile. Dry now, rocking the source within me, send me on my way

Blue hydrangeas didn't bloom last year, frost caught them just as they were about to, gawking this year's splendor, send me on my way

Sunlight dances on Penn’s Creek, lengthens the glistening flow, cyberstalking the deep, send me on my way

So Sherlock, go make space for the silence to be broken,
knocking down doors, opening windows, send me on my way 

In response to Rusted Roots’ “Send me on my way” and multiple contemporary events

Sunday, June 09, 2024

Cross points


Let me tell you a story. It began simply enough. How do I convey my idea to you? Sign language began to get the point across

We were busy, we still needed to share our story. From a distance, I couldn't see your hand sign but the smoke signal got your point across

So busy, the story was pressing, we didn't want to carry wood to the desert, so we developed a flag and semaphore system to get our point across

We stumbled about our busyness, and in stumbling we fell and discovered sound, “ouch” was a breakthrough to get our point across

Sounds became easier to spread across a distance, we found the echo, and then drum beats to help get our point across

Devices were crafted, and refined, to help carry the sound or the drum beats for greater distances to get our point across


In the telling of our story, through all the developments, time was spent on coding, and decoding, the message to get the point across

What did this hand signal mean? “I don't think it means what you think it does” was a problem to be resolved to get our point across

Coordinating the meaning of this, or that, makes a difference. It takes time to do, and for those who spend the time; they get their point across

The more time coordinating, and preparing, the more it becomes easier to craft the message, and be successful, in getting the point across 

Gather, discuss, decide, produce, rinse and repeat, these are the all important steps to keep the energy focused on the flywheel to get the point across

The energy can become distracted, attention can shift, from focal point to focal point, instead of trusting the process to get the point across

So Sherlock, what comes next? Consider the sun will rise tomorrow. Keep the flywheel spinning so folks can get the next point across.

I struggled to complete this but a friend sent me a text that gave me the spark to do so. Thank you!

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Do the right thing


When Dad was 18, he enlisted as a US Marine, serving and surviving 3 World War II Pacific island battles to do the right thing

When I was eighteen, I got a draft number for the Vietnam war, that I hoped would not call for me, unless it was the right thing

Now 50 years ago from that Vietnam conflict, when those that did serve returned, they did not get the recognition that should have been the right thing

War was hell and being home in the US wasn't much easier; anti-war protests, race riots, gas shortages, all trying to do the right thing

The news headlines were big, dramatic, chaos seemed to reign, and yet many of us survived those days, times trying to do the right thing

I had trained for a few years with a rifle drill team. I was captivated by their precision, cadence, moving in unison doing the right thing


Looking back, that was likely a reach for stability in the midst of the chaos around; along with lessons from Coach Wooden to do the right thing

UCLA was THE team, consistent, dominant on the college basketball court. Coach melded great talent in his system for success doing the right thing

I still take my new shoes, and re-do the laces just like I had read about as one of the lessons Coach Wooden taught in prep to do the right thing

To play the game Coach started with the basics. If the shoes were tied properly, no need to lose time during a game doing the right thing

A simple thing, shoe laces, but tied properly, they stayed tied. When time was critical, using time wisely paid off doing the right thing

88 game win streak, 10 national championships, 7 consecutive, a set of records unmatched today, doing the right thing

So check Sherlock’s shoes when you can. You should see the right lace goes over the left, a reminder to always do the right thing

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Starting over


Awakened by his performing a great cover of “Starting over
I've heard the song before, but not in this way, I'm starting over

Settling in, back from our trip to the “pearl of Africa”, with only 
One house to reside in/worry about now that we're starting over

Twenty-eight year residence in the past, paperwork filings
Confirmed the closing, discharges, and details of starting over

Finished reading “The Ocean at the End of the Lane
And realized it is all about memories, water, and starting over

As we search for good things in our past to share, 
Isn't that what we end up doing? Starting over

Recollection of a specific instance, you "fill in the blank",
It changes us, recognized or not, and we're starting over


Water is critical to life, we can't go many days without it
Thirst quenched, rehydrated, our body is starting over

Water can flow in a stream, river, and progressively
Larger bodies of water, each time it seems to be starting over

Can you stop the stream? Try, and you'll get left behind. 
Catch up, and you are really in a new place, starting over

Your body sweats expending effort in the catching up
Sweat may drench your clothes, weighing down starting over

Cold water, kept in a jug in the fridge is refreshing 
Hot or cold, water is life, enabling starting over

Don't live in the past, there is a happy place to be
When the sun rises tomorrow, and your life is starting over

Sherlock: remember the jar of Maraschino cherries next to the water jug
They remind us to celebrate the small moments starting over

Referential inspirations:

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Lessons from dust

Travel can be fraught with peril or challenges. One prepares with preparation, research, packing, and the hope that such will enable a successful journey whether for business or pleasure. One also asks for blessing from the almighty. Trepidation about the potential for peril brings to mind: “All go to one place: all are from the dust, and all return to dust.”

While we ultimately go to one place, the modern airport is a mixer. Folks arriving, going to their destination; others arrive to transfer to their destination, or take the next step to their destination. Walking through this airport, I notice my shoes are still colored with the red road dust we picked up on our travels. Only 4% of the roads in Uganda are paved hence our accumulation of dust. “All are from the dust, and all return to dust.”

How big is Uganda? As a native Rhode Islander, I always find it interesting to put things in perspective. How big is Uganda compared to RI? 100, yes, one more than 99, and not just a round number. 100 RIs would fit within Uganda. 11 Massachusetts would fit. So that may help explain how we spent 20 days there and really did not see it all, no matter how much dust we collected. “All are from the dust, and all return to dust.”

Uganda is one of the poorest countries in Africa. The country has been struggling to properly utilize their resources. 60% of the population live on an average $1.25/day. When one finds out that there is also 40% unemployment, that helps to explain. Each community has a street market. Street vendors sell many of the same items; mattresses, food & produce, hand crafted wooden furniture, welded steel gates & doors. All of these are also cleaned daily to wipe away the dust. “All are from the dust, and all return to dust.”

Uganda is referred to as the “pearl of Africa.” Interesting image. Oysters make pearls. I quote: “The formation of a natural pearl inside an oyster begins when a foreign substance slips into the oyster between the mantle and the shell, which irritates the mantle. It's kind of like the oyster getting a splinter. The oyster's natural reaction is to cover up that irritant by encapsulating the interloper, thereby protecting itself. The mantle covers the irritant with layers of the same nacre substance that is used to create the shell, and these concentric layers of nacre will eventually form a pearl”. To continue the analogy, the continent has provided Uganda with a varied landscape, from the savanna, across rivers and valleys to mountains. With resources (minerals in the ground), and wild animals (in natural environments). A speck of sand (or dust) can not create a pearl. That item can be expelled by the oyster. Dust however is accumulated by all visitors. “All are from the dust, and all return to dust.”

One of the key resources available are the wildlife; giraffe, elephant, water buffalo, warthogs, chimpanzees, the mountain gorilla and a variety of antelope to name only a few. Viewing these majestic animals in their habitat is an amazing experience. They live off the land, or each other, that most of the time is pleasant and peaceful. They have life's basic needs to be busy about; food, shelter, caring for each other, and their young. Fortunate to be only a few feet away from a rather large alpha male silverback gorilla, we both took a deep breath, and listened to the jungle. “All are from the dust, and all return to dust.”

Our travels, approximately 1800 miles over 20 days, provided me with a deeper understanding of how Uganda is “the pearl of Africa.” The people are so much like us. They desire similar things, a good home, opportunity for their children, they enjoy dancing, and singing, etc. Their opportunity by being born in Uganda rather than elsewhere presents a challenge for them. However, their spirit is good. They take things in due course. The sun will rise tomorrow. “All are from the dust, and all return to dust.”

While traveling, I was surprised to find internet access much more prevalent than I expected. In a lull moment catching up on world news, an article in The Guardian caught my attention. It talked of the art curator who cleans Michelangelo’s David and who is quoted as saying about her work: “You know when you clean a bathroom, you clean and clean and think you’ve done a great job but then you spot some dust and wonder ‘where did that come from?’,” Cecilie Hollberg said on Monday. “This is what it’s like. Dust is everywhere.” “All are from the dust, and all return to dust.”

In summary, when you happen to travel, prepare & prepare, trust the process, look out for one another, there will be bumps in the road, this too shall pass, be watchful, the world around us is a wonderful thing. Be curious. Take some time to process it all. Approach life with the dust pan, gathering dust, and then moving to catch the next line, now smaller, then the next line, still smaller. Repeat and repeat. “All are from the dust, and all return to dust.”

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Advice from the curbside


The Christmas tree carefully took time to put up, to decorate, and far less time to remove all the ornaments, strings of lights, and put the tree on the curb

Middle aged honey bees work from the top down secreting wax from their abdomens to build the combs of the hive. Yes, they don't need the curb 

The youthful bees fly all over to collect the pollen to make honey, they have the energy for that. Smarts come with time staying above the curb

Real estate appraisers take the measures of each room, and walls, inside and out, to make their assessment of the residences appeal from the curb

The Peregrine 1 moon shot will run out of fuel before it can power its landing on the moon. The team will maximize testing opportunities as it flies well out of sight of the curb

Recognition of the two circles overlapping, mingling, in ways I would uncover from the breadcrumbs of the table of their conversation while sitting there on the old stone curb


Be prepared for whatever life throws at you, whether dressing for the changing weather, or patiently waiting your turn, applaud their effort when you stand on the curb 

Follow curiosity where it can take you, willingly explore with the eyes of a 3 year old, flop to make a snow angel, and step back to check it out from the curb

Be helpful and leave a rake in its proper place, definitely avoid stepping on the tines to try and pick it up, it can quickly leave you down and out on the curb

Balance is what you do when walking along the edge of a narrow surface, prioritize is what you do to accomplish goals so you won't be left behind on the curb

Mind the words you say but don't be afraid to say what you mean, to add value, to help someone, to share the lessons you acquired walking along the curb 

Ben advocated religiously for work, folks remember “Industry need not wish” and should know he continued that sentence with “and he who lives upon hope will die fasting” upon the curb

So Sherlock, continue your work, taking the measure of the times, building from the top down, and bottom up, sharing the content in context, with the folks along the curb

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Treasure the moment


It’s Thanksgiving weekend and 40 years have passed since you left us

Yet you continue watching over us, reminding us to treasure the moment

Here today, this residence is empty, ready for some other family to enjoy

Daily life, and their celebrations, creating new memories to treasure the moment

There are folding chairs to add to the circle in the living room of the new house

Where conversation ebbs and flows, and games are played to treasure the moment

Someone remarks of a time when … and we all go there, transported instantly …

The thread meanders as the sparks fly triggering other treasures of the moment

The baby is passed around, everyone gets their turn, gooing and ahing

Baby talk is a universal language, in that time before words, to treasure the moment

The family tree continues to grow, some branches end, others expand

A family collaboration brings forth an updated document to help treasure the moment 


Twenty eight years later, this residence is empty for Thanksgiving, all action takes place in the new dwelling, enabling the new residence to treasure the moments

Sitting on the stairs, recarpeted while we were here, the sounds of the house 

are different, there are echos now to treasure the moment

A singular brown oak leaf remains plastered to the sky view window in the 

new residence, visible as I roll back the shade, bending to stretch, and treasure the moment

Houses couldn't exist without doors to enter, or leave, windows to let in light, 

and air, and then there's the sound pattern to treasure the moment

These windows and storms are less sound proof than what we had, 

the folks around us seem so much closer, they are perhaps eager to treasure the moment 

Boxes, multiple sizes, were full and heavy, now emptied, flattened, and recycled 

leaving behind the contents, here and there, in a new spot to treasure the moment

Hold on Sherlock, did you feel that cloud of uncertainty dissipate? The shift was slight but noticeable. My T-shirts supply has been shelved so I can now treasure the moment 

Friday, December 15, 2023

Call for Water


When thirsty, your body signals a call for water

A turn of the faucet, or a flush of the toilet, starts a call for water

The signal may require a long walk, to the well, or stream,

To return with a full yellow container to answer the call for water

The faucet at the sink will start the flow through the pipes

in the house, the street, pump, or water tower to answer the call for water

When the hot water faucet is turned, the water flows under pressure,

with a diversion through heating coils, to answer the call for water

When the toilet is flushed, the water flows carrying the refuse liquid

and, or solid, before refilling the device in the call for water

The refuse, liquid and solid, moves through gravity flow pipes

to get processed before returning to the stream to answer the call for water


Science tells us human males are about 60% water, females about 55%,

which shows why we need to respond to the call for water

The earth's surface is about 70% water but 97% of that is salt water

requiring treatment before answering the call for water

We have to take care of the 3% fresh water, use it as needed,

conserve it to help with the call for water

Science can help determine a good economic process

for conversion of salt water to better answer the call for water

We need to foster those scientific efforts, and trust the science,

as it evolves to provide a solution to the call for water

There are those among us near and far, who need shorter walks,

or better access, to answer the call for water

So Sherlock, are you all wet yet? Or will you help Frank,

and Lynn when they initiate their call for water?

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Time for the music


What is the one thing we usually never have enough of

And which we can't buy? Haven’t Got Time for the Pain 

Do you manage it, or do you let it control you? I have tried 

To be as efficient as I can. times they are a changing 

A little planning can go a long way to helping avoid 

Wasting energy, money, or time; time is on my side

I like to reward those who manage time well. My time is 

Important, and when others recognize that, let the good times roll

Think about it, lots of action words are associated with this

Concept: Make, take, buy, spend, waste; baby, one more time

It seems like time is a thing to be handled, bought, boxed

Stored, when it just keep ticking on its own, Time in a Bottle


It can be a real question, or a good ice breaker, to ask

someone, Does Anybody Really Know What Time it is?

I would propose that only when you are up and about

Does it exist, Time has come today

Memories, whether the penultimate, or even the last time

Are instances when we recognize Times like these

What is it that gives us pause, stops us to realize, and

recognize the present as a gift? Only Time Will Tell

Without that pause, a sense of something else, we go 

About living, doing, being, Time after time

If it is worthy, and created the pause, then the best thing 

to do is likely to Love me Two Times

Sherlock says: give a gift to yourself, think, plan, and then

tackle the day, the next minute, so that it feels like the first time

Source of 100 song titles with "Time" 

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

10,000 decisions


Moving is a choice, and these days, financially a privilege, 
Choosing a residence comes with lots of time and place changes

Home is the center of our daily life, where the heart rests
And recovers for tomorrow's set of time and place changes

These specific walls, doors, and windows frame our life 
Choosing to move will reframe our time and place changes

Our world view is centered here, and soon will be
Centered elsewhere, as our time and place changes

What we take for granted to support our daily activities 
Will be reconsidered as our time and place changes

The faucets, the windows, the neighbors will be new
In some ways, and yet not, as time and place changes


The clocks will change wall positions, the shade, and shadows
Will also, yet the sun will still rise when time and place changes

Trees will still drop their leaves, I won't need to pick them up, or 
worry about when to do so, as time and place changes 

Lots of work to pack, we have all this stuff, which is now 
being decided upon as our time and place changes 

Pack, recycle, discard, or sell, are a few of the options each
Object brings up for us to decide, our time and place changes

The sewing kit is packed away, no "stitch in time" until
We unbox in the new location after time and place changes

The core of what we need in our residence will remain
For the movers to transport when our time and place changes

So Sherlock, are you ready for thousands of decisions? Look for 
the happy day when you are settled, with time and place changes

And yes, there is research on this decision process as tiring 

 "Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and Wisdom to know the difference"