quiet poet
the home of sherku and other verse I write
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
White socks
Wednesday, January 01, 2025
One at a time
Monday, December 02, 2024
what's next
The funny thing about hate is who you hate doesn't
feel it, when you realize that, what's next
What do you do with that wasted hate, it is
wasted on them, but consuming you, so what's next
She looked at me as if I had two heads, one of which
she knew, the other had no place in her world, what's next
The story told that won the day will likely play
out in ways perhaps that they didn't want, so what's next
Instead of using the gas powered blower, just rake the
leaves into a corner, where the wind will take over, what's next
We were about to change bedside places, watching
over Dad, when he stopped breathing, so what's next
Such beauty in these past prime black-eyed Susans,
they are very ready to give all for what's next
The joy of running carried me many years, I am forced
to walk now and find joy in slowly moving to what's next
The sounds of life can jar us from what we are busy about,
a wailing siren breaks through, pausing us from what's next
A touch can be so subtle, intimate, stirring, life giving;
moving through time without touch avoids what's next
A better story needs to get developed to win
back the day before there is nothing left for what's next
Busy beavers chewed a double tree bringing it down
near the glistening shoreline where it rests for what's next
So Sherlock, are you working on the story that will touch
those who need to take action to prepare for what's next
"The funny thing about hate" comes from a line by In-Q, in his poem "Father Time"
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
This much I know
Answers may not be a big deal, this much I know
Better to ask the proper question, this much I know
Peeling and cutting the wax coated turnip, a holiday
prep activity for me, she'd rather I do it, this much I know
The ceiling skylight can let the rain be hard, otherwise
The downspouts sing as the rain flows, this much I know
Making walking routes, centered from our new house
They are longer or shorter than before, this much I know
We only moved a single mile, not very far, yet the loops
Are changing, bringing different views, this much I know
How long is long, what is new, when will it all be better
The answers will change upon point of view, this much I know
You can calculate the circle by knowing the diameter and pi
Even better when full of your favorite pie, this much I know
The tax rate is a talking point and not really a worthy one
The tax bill is a more important comparison, this much I know
What services are included and what are not is worth finding
So you can compare like for like, this much I know
There ain't no such thing as a free lunch, some one
Always pays for something, this much I know
If you don't have to pay, be careful, then you are the product
How much are you really giving away, this much I know
Comparing oil vs gas heating is not easy, the companies
Don't want you to know the truth, this much I know
So Sherlock, answers can come and go, most don't matter,
The questions are key to understanding, this much I know
Wednesday, October 02, 2024
Content in context
One of my guiding lights, understanding the content in context
Is another way of saying getting the big picture is content in context
So sunshine on a country road, cornrows reaching for the blue sky
Handcrafted sign for a roadside stand fits content in context
Further along that rolling road, another handcrafted sign, this time for free
Flying lessons, is not quite the same fit for content in context
It could be that the farmer, an excellent craftsman, also gets money
Flying tourists to enable living his life fully content, content in context
The craftsman in raising corn and tending to flying machines
Can be a valid for an ex-military pilot, living a dream, content in context
Staying on the surface, staying with first impressions, can leave out those
Sometimes wonderful sideroads, by roads, content in context
The first hour of the market is a quiet time for those challenged
with sensory issues, respectfully to enable them to enjoy the content in context
The singer made it completely thru a song on the third try, had to switch battery,
swap plugs, to get the best power for his content in context
Give me the beat folks, want to get lost in your rock & roll
Rhythm and rhyme and harmony, heck with the content in context
Markets naturally occur at a crossroads, they are easy to get to,
Enabling the exchange of goods or services, content in context
Puppy on a lease pulls a young girl, another girl trails along carefully
munching a candy apple on a stick, fun content in context
Great to be a little one, young legs exploring every nook and
cranny of the Town Common, it's their fun content in context
So Sherlock, your legs don't move like theirs these days,
get used to it, learn to live with your content in context
credit initially to Tom Asacker who introduced me to the concept
Thursday, August 15, 2024
Answer is 42
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
To Do
The higher the humidity goes, the less I want to do.
walking to the pool, too long today, not something to do
Are you one who glances at books sideways,
looking for hidden words? Is that something for you to do?
Amazing, to see what it is that attracts one's attention, that is
jumping to the front to command, this is what you need to do
The motor sputtered, refused to start, the vehicle is now
awaiting time, and schedule, for service to do
No one pays attention to what goes on, until it starts
happening to them, then all else goes aside, something's urgent to do
Walking down the dark slightly sloping aisle, carefully
selecting a seat, settled in, ready to get away from things to do
Standing under a star filled sky, fireflies in the grassy field,
rising, make their way to treetops, doing what they need to do
The choice is not “Do I fight? or do I give up?” The question to be
making a real difference in life is, “What can I do?”
“Radical” doesn't always mean being out on the edge, primary meaning is
Being rooted, it should be what drives you to do what you do
When a word is used outside of its original meaning, it may be creative,
or deviating, be aware of that, recognize what they do
When they recognize you but don't remember your name,
recalling may be their problem, but is there something you can do
What you fear is a great example of the power of imagination;
accepting that concept, choose hope, see how much that can do
So Sherlock, when they hear it through the grapevine, something that is not
happening, what is it that you really want them to do
Sunday, July 14, 2024
Send me on my way
Sunday, June 09, 2024
Cross points
Let me tell you a story. It began simply enough. How do I convey my idea to you? Sign language began to get the point across
We were busy, we still needed to share our story. From a distance, I couldn't see your hand sign but the smoke signal got your point across
So busy, the story was pressing, we didn't want to carry wood to the desert, so we developed a flag and semaphore system to get our point across
We stumbled about our busyness, and in stumbling we fell and discovered sound, “ouch” was a breakthrough to get our point across
Sounds became easier to spread across a distance, we found the echo, and then drum beats to help get our point across
Devices were crafted, and refined, to help carry the sound or the drum beats for greater distances to get our point across
In the telling of our story, through all the developments, time was spent on coding, and decoding, the message to get the point across
What did this hand signal mean? “I don't think it means what you think it does” was a problem to be resolved to get our point across
Coordinating the meaning of this, or that, makes a difference. It takes time to do, and for those who spend the time; they get their point across
The more time coordinating, and preparing, the more it becomes easier to craft the message, and be successful, in getting the point across
Gather, discuss, decide, produce, rinse and repeat, these are the all important steps to keep the energy focused on the flywheel to get the point across
The energy can become distracted, attention can shift, from focal point to focal point, instead of trusting the process to get the point across
So Sherlock, what comes next? Consider the sun will rise tomorrow. Keep the flywheel spinning so folks can get the next point across.
I struggled to complete this but a friend sent me a text that gave me the spark to do so. Thank you!
Saturday, April 20, 2024
Do the right thing
When Dad was 18, he enlisted as a US Marine, serving and surviving 3 World War II Pacific island battles to do the right thing
When I was eighteen, I got a draft number for the Vietnam war, that I hoped would not call for me, unless it was the right thing
Now 50 years ago from that Vietnam conflict, when those that did serve returned, they did not get the recognition that should have been the right thing
War was hell and being home in the US wasn't much easier; anti-war protests, race riots, gas shortages, all trying to do the right thing
The news headlines were big, dramatic, chaos seemed to reign, and yet many of us survived those days, times trying to do the right thing
I had trained for a few years with a rifle drill team. I was captivated by their precision, cadence, moving in unison doing the right thing
Looking back, that was likely a reach for stability in the midst of the chaos around; along with lessons from Coach Wooden to do the right thing
UCLA was THE team, consistent, dominant on the college basketball court. Coach melded great talent in his system for success doing the right thing
I still take my new shoes, and re-do the laces just like I had read about as one of the lessons Coach Wooden taught in prep to do the right thing
To play the game Coach started with the basics. If the shoes were tied properly, no need to lose time during a game doing the right thing
A simple thing, shoe laces, but tied properly, they stayed tied. When time was critical, using time wisely paid off doing the right thing
88 game win streak, 10 national championships, 7 consecutive, a set of records unmatched today, doing the right thing
So check Sherlock’s shoes when you can. You should see the right lace goes over the left, a reminder to always do the right thing
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Starting over
- The cover of Chris Stapleton, “Starting over” was performed by State Rep Jeff Roy at the opening of the SAFE Coalition performance space https://youtu.be/_4fD7XAd72w?si=UWh7b-y0z-Sf51Vg
- Pádraig Ó Tuama - Poetry Unbound. https://onbeing.org/programs/thomas-lux-refrigerator-1957/#transcript
- Ocean at the end of the Lane, Neil Gaiman. https://www.neilgaiman.com/works/Books/The+Ocean+at+the+End+of+the+Lane/
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Lessons from dust
Wednesday, January 10, 2024
Advice from the curbside
The Christmas tree carefully took time to put up, to decorate, and far less time to remove all the ornaments, strings of lights, and put the tree on the curb
Middle aged honey bees work from the top down secreting wax from their abdomens to build the combs of the hive. Yes, they don't need the curb
The youthful bees fly all over to collect the pollen to make honey, they have the energy for that. Smarts come with time staying above the curb
Real estate appraisers take the measures of each room, and walls, inside and out, to make their assessment of the residences appeal from the curb
The Peregrine 1 moon shot will run out of fuel before it can power its landing on the moon. The team will maximize testing opportunities as it flies well out of sight of the curb
Recognition of the two circles overlapping, mingling, in ways I would uncover from the breadcrumbs of the table of their conversation while sitting there on the old stone curb
Be prepared for whatever life throws at you, whether dressing for the changing weather, or patiently waiting your turn, applaud their effort when you stand on the curb
Follow curiosity where it can take you, willingly explore with the eyes of a 3 year old, flop to make a snow angel, and step back to check it out from the curb
Be helpful and leave a rake in its proper place, definitely avoid stepping on the tines to try and pick it up, it can quickly leave you down and out on the curb
Balance is what you do when walking along the edge of a narrow surface, prioritize is what you do to accomplish goals so you won't be left behind on the curb
Mind the words you say but don't be afraid to say what you mean, to add value, to help someone, to share the lessons you acquired walking along the curb
Ben advocated religiously for work, folks remember “Industry need not wish” and should know he continued that sentence with “and he who lives upon hope will die fasting” upon the curb
So Sherlock, continue your work, taking the measure of the times, building from the top down, and bottom up, sharing the content in context, with the folks along the curb
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
Treasure the moment
It’s Thanksgiving weekend and 40 years have passed since you left us
Yet you continue watching over us, reminding us to treasure the moment
Here today, this residence is empty, ready for some other family to enjoy
Daily life, and their celebrations, creating new memories to treasure the moment
There are folding chairs to add to the circle in the living room of the new house
Where conversation ebbs and flows, and games are played to treasure the moment
Someone remarks of a time when … and we all go there, transported instantly …
The thread meanders as the sparks fly triggering other treasures of the moment
The baby is passed around, everyone gets their turn, gooing and ahing
Baby talk is a universal language, in that time before words, to treasure the moment
The family tree continues to grow, some branches end, others expand
A family collaboration brings forth an updated document to help treasure the moment
Twenty eight years later, this residence is empty for Thanksgiving, all action takes place in the new dwelling, enabling the new residence to treasure the moments
Sitting on the stairs, recarpeted while we were here, the sounds of the house
are different, there are echos now to treasure the moment
A singular brown oak leaf remains plastered to the sky view window in the
new residence, visible as I roll back the shade, bending to stretch, and treasure the moment
Houses couldn't exist without doors to enter, or leave, windows to let in light,
and air, and then there's the sound pattern to treasure the moment
These windows and storms are less sound proof than what we had,
the folks around us seem so much closer, they are perhaps eager to treasure the moment
Boxes, multiple sizes, were full and heavy, now emptied, flattened, and recycled
leaving behind the contents, here and there, in a new spot to treasure the moment
Hold on Sherlock, did you feel that cloud of uncertainty dissipate? The shift was slight but noticeable. My T-shirts supply has been shelved so I can now treasure the moment