Tuesday, February 10, 2015

sherku: flashback

Twas a flashback
Stain on my
Pants found too late
To change before
Getting to work

drafted in January and caught up to recently

Monday, February 09, 2015

sherku: listening

Do you hear the snow
It is slowly
Building walls
Waves piles
To keep us in

inspired by George Ezra's "Did you hear the rain?"

sherku: pattern

Snow on Monday
Snow on Monday
Snow on Monday
Trend, pattern

yes,a real street sign in Franklin, MA
yes,a real street sign in Franklin, MA

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

sherku: plan b

When starter cord
Pulled and pulled out
Turned to look at
Owners book for the
Electric start

originally shared via Twitter

since I attached the photo, I did not have space for the tag #140poets

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

sherku: orange numbers 2

instant recall 
knowing by heart 
includes bringing 
up the words when 
holding an orange

The original "Orange Numbers" can be read here

Originally shared this via my Twitter account

Monday, February 02, 2015

sherku: Mall stop

They had it planned 
Headed for the bench 
One sat one combed 
Twirled braided 
While smiling

Composed while people watching at the Emarld Square Mall recently

originally shared via my Twitter account