Sitar sounds & rhythmic drumming prepare the way for
words of Rumi and my thoughts to run
Back in the day of simple street names, park, north park,
the stream was put into a culvert and allowed to run
The power substation is setback from the houses, utility poles,
and towers hold the lines up high for the electricity to run
The ballfields are not far from the combo basketball & hockey court
near the playground where the kiddos are able to safely run
Green dots mark the progress of cleaning the catch basins
to ensure the storm water can freely run
Brick chimney on one side of the roof peak, newer galvanized
pipe on the other, allows the exhaust to run
The sign tells folks to "be the reason for someone to smile today",
you make me smile everyday I get up to run
Walking along the gutter, or taking a shower, both times
create the space to allow my thoughts to run
I resist the urge to fix their mailbox which was clearly smashed
by someone with a baseball bat on the run
Until we corral the unspoken elephant in the room,
multiple cries for overdue justice will continue to run
Trouble is, will the corral be big enough, the cries for justice tend
to be drowned out by the truthsplaining ads that run
We must take action to corral the elephants, shout through the ads,
restore justice and order by catching those on the run
Searches return what has been asked for, that is what they are designed to do, hence the context, and the text strings used, are key for proper results to run
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